Trend Jacking vs. Brand Authenticity: Striking a Balance on Social Media

In the fast-paced world of social media, staying relevant can feel like a constant battle. New trends emerge daily, each vying for a sliver of our precious attention. This is where the concept of "trend jacking" comes in - capitalising on trending topics to boost engagement. As a marketing Director and interim marketing lead working with businesses of all sizes, we’re often challenged by social agencies to jump on trends to help boost numbers, but is it a sustainable strategy for your brand? Let's review pros and cons of trend jacking against staying true to your brand's unique voice and focus.

The Allure of Trend Jacking

  • Increased Visibility: A well-executed trend jack can propel your brand into the spotlight, exposing you to a wider audience, in short it ‘works the algorithm’. This can be a great way to attract new followers and potential customers.

  • Engagement Boost: Trending topics are like social media catnip. By incorporating them into your content, you're more likely to spark conversations and interactions with your audience. Whether its music, voice-over or a ‘style of content’, if your followers are heavily engaged in social they’ll likely recognise it as your content starts.

  • Building Connections: Humorously or thoughtfully chiming in on a trend can show your brand's personality and foster a sense of connection with your audience.

The Pitfalls of Trend Jacking

  • Inauthenticity: If your brand blindly chases every trend, it can come across as inauthentic and unfocused. Consumers see through inauthenticity, and it can damage your brand reputation.

  • Misaligned Messaging: Stretching your brand to fit a trend can result in messaging that feels disjointed and confusing to your audience. Not every trend fits every product or service.

  • Short-Lived Success: Trends are fleeting. The engagement boost you get from trend jacking may be short-lived, leaving you scrambling for the next big thing.

The Power of Brand Authenticity

  • Trust and Loyalty: When your brand voice and focus are consistent, you build trust and loyalty with your audience. People know what to expect from you, and they appreciate your commitment to your values. They follow you for your product/ service and that is what they expect to see in the social feed.

  • Strong Community: A strong brand voice fosters a sense of community around your brand. People who resonate with your message are more likely to become loyal brand advocates.

  • Long-Term Growth: Focusing on your core values and target audience sets you up for long-term, sustainable growth. You won't be swayed by every passing fad, and your brand will be seen as a reliable source of information or entertainment.

Finding the Sweet Spot

So, how do you strike a balance between trend-jacking and brand authenticity? Here are some tips:

  • Keep it relevant: If a trend aligns with your brand's voice and message, jump on board! But make sure it's a natural fit. If it doesn’t feel like a natural fit, its not, don’t force it.

  • Add your unique spin: Don't just copy the trend. Put your brand's unique twist on it to make it interesting and memorable.

  • Focus on quality: Don't churn out low-quality content just to ride a trend. Focus on creating valuable content that your audience will appreciate.

  • Brand vs. influencer: Remember some trends are suited towards individuals, and some is suited towards brands and businesses – they do not all cross between the two easily.

Remember, social media is a marathon, not a sprint. By staying true to your brand's voice and focus, you'll build a loyal following and achieve long-term success. Don't be afraid to experiment with trends, but do so strategically and authentically, and don’t be persuaded to loose site of your own authentic brand voice.

Ready to craft a social strategy that balances trend awareness with brand authenticity? The team at Marketing With Passion are here to help! We can guide you in developing a social media voice that resonates with your target audience, while keeping you on top of relevant trends. Get in touch today!

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